
Location: Kentucky, United States

A group of writers who are happy to share our writing with others who are practicing to become even better writers

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Lady Rockets Basketball

Watching the Lady Rockets Basketball Game
by Lisa

On March 13, 2006, we went to Lincoln County where the Rockcastle County Lady Rockets play basketball. This was a very great accomplishment because they were in a new 12th Region for the first time. We made signs and the number 3. When they made a three point shot, we would hold up the signs. The game was a very close scoring game.
The Lady Rockets won this game and got to play in the final tournament game.
They were not expected to win any of the games in the region. On March 14, 2006, several of the fans decorated cars and followed the buses to Lincoln County High School in Stanford. They were playing Lincoln County so Lincoln had the home court advantage. The Rockcastle Girls started off very slow. They did not score for the first four minutes of the game. At the end of the first quarter the score was only 10 to 9, Lincoln was ahead at this point. The crowd was on their feet though most of the game. By half time the score was 19 to 19. Then in the third quarter the Lady Rockets came out of the locker room and started scoring and never looked back. The Lincoln County fan looked like they were in disbelief and sad. The Lady Rocket had won the 12th Region and are going to the Sweet Sixteen Tournament for the third straight year.
There were lots of fans that stayed and watched the girls cut down the nets. Then the girls went and got dressed. The fans stayed and followed them home. At the Lincoln Rockcastle County line, the Brodhead Fire Dept. met the buses and led them though Brodhead. About half way to Mount Vernon, the Mount Vernon Fire Dept. took over. We followed them through Mount Vernon and back to the high school where they had a pep rally. Then everyone went home for the night.
Because the girls are going to the tournament, there will not be school in Rockcastle on Wednesday. They will have a good chance of winning their first game in the tournament. My sons and I are planning to go. Some people do not enjoy watching children play sports but I really enjoy watching sports.

03.15.2006 :: Congratulations Lady Rockets! The next game will be held at Diddle Arena in Bowling Green on March 22nd at 1:30 CST where the girls will take on Letcher County Central.

Life With My Grandchildren

Life with My Grandchildren
By Sheila

My life used to be so different from what it is today. A few years ago, I was just your typical grandmother. I spent time enjoying my grandchildren. I have six in all, five boys, and one girl. They came over with their parents and spent time with Papaw and me. I spent a lot of time playing with them and making special things for them. When it was time for them to go home I was always sad because I missed them.
Now I help raise my three youngest grandchildren. Their parents are divorced and their father (my son) has custody of them. Jordan is the oldest and he is twelve years old. He is an honor student and is a very good boy. Madison is nine years old and my only granddaughter. She is also a very intelligent girl. She can read about any thing she picks up. Blake is the youngest, he is six years old going on twenty-six. They all three play ball in the summer.
I am kept busy doing baths, cooking dinner, doing laundry, and helping with homework. There is not much time left over to play and do all those little extra things I used to do. Now when their dad comes to take them home, I give a sigh of relief, because I know I have a couple of days to get caught up on all the things I am behind in (laundry, extra cleaning, etc.).
My three oldest grandsons are with their mother and father. They are my daughter’s children. Mitchell is eighteen years old and in Pulaski High School. He will be going to Eastern next year. Tony and Dillon are fourteen years old. They are identical twins. They are also honor students and are both on the archery team at school. These boys are all too big for Grandma any more and they also know I am tied up most of the time being a mother to their cousins.
I still try to spend as much quality time as I can with all my family. Our time and interest seem to change over the years. Grandchildren are one of the greatest inventions God ever made.

My Aunt

My Aunt
Written by Brenda

My aunt is a very special person. She put everyone else first, and herself last. I was born at home and she was there to help deliver me. She was also a nurse. While my uncle was in Germany, she took her nurse’s training. My aunt and uncle are Wilson and Ponza Green.They loved children but never had any of their own so I became the child they always wanted.

My parents, aunt, and uncle all lived in the same house when I was born. My parents moved to Georgetown, Kentucky when I was three months old. My mother had to work so I stayed with my other mom and dad. We lived on a farm, where I still live today. I had a great life, with two sets of parents to love and take care of me. At the age of eight, my parents divorced and my mom moved to Ohio, so my aunt Ponza continued to raise me.

At the age of twelve, my mother remarried and I went to live with her. I attended Hughes High School, in Cincinnati, Ohio. I would spend the summer months back on the farm with my aunt and uncle. In my senior year I came back to stay with them until I married, and then I only moved across the road.

My aunt Ponza was always there to help me in anything I needed. I have two children and they were her grandchildren. She was a big influence on their lives. She also paid for them to go to college.

In 2001, she had a stroke that took part of her memory. So now I’m trying to give back all the years of love and care she gave to me.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Joys of Grandchildren

The Joys of
Grandchildren by Diann

My son and my daughter in law separated and he moved back in with me. He has two children, a boy and a girl. The boy is three and the girl is almost two. These children think they have to have all of the attention and most of the time they get it. If granny holds one child, she has to hold the other one too. Last night my son had classes and of course he had the kids. His classes lasted for two hours. Guess who had to watch these children while he was in class.
We made it to the house where his classes took place, about a minute til. He got out of the truck and started to go in the building. Before he could get the truck door shut, my granddaughter started to cry and yell, "Daddy, Daddy." He shut the door and went into his class. This child who I love dearly, started to cry, scream, and yell for her daddy even louder. This went on for about thirty minutes. Finally I got her attention and she calmed down. She looked at the dogs that were in a pen next to the parking lot where we parked. My grandson went to sleep until his sister woke him up. He tried to go back to sleep however his sister wouldn’t let him she wanted to climb. Now remember we were in a parking lot in my truck, waiting on my sons classes to end.
My son's class took a break about 8:00. He was sitting on the wall outside the house and he was smoking. I asked Taylor, that is my granddaughter's name, "Do you see Daddy?" That was a bad thing to do! The next thing I knew here came my son to the truck. My granddaughter saw her dad. She was so happy to see him. She smiled, and yelled, "Daddy." Guess what, break was over and he was gone again. For the next sixty minutes or so this child has a fit. I parked in a church parking lot and it was Wednesday at about 7:00. People started coming to church. Here I am with this child screaming, "Daddy, Daddy."She was crying and screaming so loud that I believe any minute now, my truck windows are going to explode in our laps. I hoped that the people who were at church, didn’t call the law and get me for child abuse. I tell you right now that I wasn’t even touching the child.
At about 8:30 my son ran out of his class. My granddaughter saw her dad.He opened the door and she went to screaming, "Daddy!" She started climbing over her brother and reached for her dad. When he climbed in the truck, my son asked her if she was,"Good for Granny." Then he asked her, "Do you want to go to McDonalds?" I took them to eat and both of them were fine. Then we went home. Needless to say when I got home I was ready for bed. Submitted by Diann