Location: Kentucky, United States

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hunting with Lisa, Jeremy and Jordon

Hunting with My Sons
Lisa C.
I never wanted to hunt until my sons Jeremy and Jordon wanted me to take them hunting. As a single parent of boys, I decided that we needed to learn the safety of using a gun so I enrolled them in a Hunter Education Class.
I stayed with them in the class and we learned the safety of how to use a gun and how to be responsible when hunting with more than one person. My brother David had always taken Jeremy for me but Jordon was too young to go. I started to take Jordon when he turned nine.
The first year we went and stayed out in the woods most of the day but did not kill or see a deer.The next year was more exciting.
This time my cousin Steven told Jeremy if we went to the cliff in Blue Springs one of them would kill a deer. Jeremy showed us the place Friday night before we went hunting on Saturday morning.
That night we only saw squirrels but we did not try to kill them. On Saturday morning we got up very early. Jeremy and Jordon were very excited to get to go hunting. I was doing this because I knew that my sons need to do things that other boys get to do. I had never been in the woods that early before.
The woods are very peaceful at 6:00 in the morning. It is still dark; then you start to hear the animals waking up. Each one making its own sound. This is one of the most beautiful times of the day. The sun came up and then we walked over to the cliffs.
We were at the cliffs for about ten minutes when two deer came around the corner. They were side by side. Jeremy was on my right and Jordon was on my left. I told Jordon to shoot the deer twice and Jeremy shot at about the same time. Jordon hit the deer in the neck. It fell straight down. The other deer jumped about ten feet in the air and ran away. We had to wait for the deer to die, anyway that is what they had told us in the hunting class.
We all made our way down the cliff and I thought that the deer had 4-points but it turned out that it was a 10-point buck. This was a very big deer for Jordon’s first deer.
I know that we needed to gut the deer so we started doing it. We learned how to do this together. After it was finished, we started dragging the deer up the cliff. This took a long time and once we were at the top of the cliff, Jeremy needed to rest because he was the one that did most of the dragging.
Jordon and I went to get the truck and by the time we got back, Jeremy had the deer next to the road. We put the deer in the truck and took some pictures. Some other hunter came by and said if they knew that the boys and I had gone down the cliff they would have helped us. On the way home, we stopped at the gun store to weigh the deer; it weighed 185 pounds. After weighing the deer, we went to my mother’s house. She was worried because we had been gone for a long time. Jordon ran into the house and told her that he had killed a deer. She thought that he was joking with her. Then she came and saw the deer in the truck. She called to tell my brothers Robert and David the great news. David got there in about five minutes and showed the boys how to clean the deer.
This was a very long day. but my sons and I learned a lot of new things . The most fun was watching the boys get excited about finally killing a deer.


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